Welcome to RozLoves.com…
My name is Roz Fruchtman. I am a Bronx, NY Digital Artist and Inspirational Influencer.
My mission is to encourage and change the way people communicate and to promote kindness, caring and respect for ourselves and those we communicate with. There is enough negativity in the world, I don’t want to be a part of it or encourage it!
I have a great love and passion for Adult Coloring and the creation of Coloring Patterns, Pages, Textures and Designs. I believe that coloring is very personal, as we all love and enjoy coloring different media: patterns, designs, flowers, people, nature, buildings, etc… For example I enjoy coloring repeating patterns, mandalas, and floral arrangements!
My graphics program of choice has been Adobe Photoshop for the past few decades, and many programs, plugins, filters and addons that work with and enhance Photoshop!
On another front, I own and run Say It With eCards Judaic Greetings aka Say It With eCards — the largest online Judaic eCards website on the Internet as well as I share daily and sometimes hourly (depending on the social platform) messages of inspiration, encouragement, hope and motivation, etc.
Because my own passions are so varied I come across different resources and offers that enhance and feed those passions… Some free, other’s low cost. From time to time I will recommend and/or share them with you. I will NEVER share anything I am not familiar with in one way or another: I use, I have used other products from the publisher/contributor or I know them and their company personally and I am willing to put my name behind them!
I believe that in today’s climate… It’s important to keep doing as many things we love, enjoy and feel passion for… As often and as much as possible, in order to enjoy ourselves and keep our sanity during these times of uncertainty and challenge.
Let’s get to know each other… JOIN US at:
Say It With eCards (Judaic Greetings) at:
@RozSpirations Blog at:
@RozSpirations on Twitter at:
@RozSpirations on Facebook at:
https://www.Facebook.com/RozSpirations (PAGE)
@RozSpirations on Facebook at:
https://www.Facebook.com/groups/RozSpirations (GROUP)
@RozSpirations on Instagram at:
https://www.Twitter.com/PhotoshopHaven (Twitter Profile)
https://www.Facebook.com/groups/PhotoshopHaven (COMMUNITY)
https://www.Facebook.com/PhotoshopHaven (PAGE)
Thank You for taking the time to visit RozLoves.com
I promise you… I will only recommend and suggest resources that I know and care about and/or use myself!
Questions / Comments / Suggestions / Chit Chat…
Please do not hesitate to contact me at:
mailto:Roz @ DesignsByDayBreak.com
With Warm Regards,

Roz Fruchtman aka @RozSpirations and/or @PhotoshopHaven